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We offer free tools for analysing the quality of your software: Performance, reliability, maintainability. Tool downloads & documentation

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Consulting for Industry

We provide professional consulting and developer training to enhance the quality of your software.Portfolio & industry success stories

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Science and Research

We are leading members of the research community in model-based software quality prediction. Research projects & cooperations

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Palladio is a software architecture simulation approach which analyses your software at the model level for performance bottlenecks, scalability issues, reliability threats, and allows for a subsequent optimisation. Palladio requires neither buying expensive executions environments (servers, networks, or storage) nor fully implementing a software product. Construction rules are automatically checked by Palladio and thus allow optimal software architectures without costly trial-and-error-cycles. Like in other engineering disciplines, Palladio enables software engineers to construct software straight and in the right way.

Decide for Palladio today to

  • Forecast the impact of your design decisions
  • Lower the costs for trial-and-error-cycles
  • Build highly reliable, scalable, and resource-efficient software architectures

Palladio: The software architecture simulatorPermalink

  • Palladio is free tooling, professional consulting, and a well-validated scientific performance and reliability prediction approach.
  • Analyse multiple quality dimensions: Performance, reliability, maintainability, and costs. Balance your software architecture design.
  • Engineering instead of trial and error. No implementation required. No hardware required. Model-driven. Interactive analysis.